Important Tips :

The tourists who would like to take part in organised and approved hunts in Turkey may bring 3 guns with pulled gun run and 3 guns without pulled gun run of the different calibers, own ammunition, i.e. at most 50 pieces for the gun with pulled gun run and at most 100 pieces for the gun without pulled gun run. With the entry in Turkey the guns and the ammunition must be indicated at the border police office. The brought guns and the ammunition are put down on the passport of the hunting beneficiary. The gun licence and the hunting approval must be valid for the booked period.

The following documents must be at least fifteen days before entry with us:

Information about the guns (brand, standard number and caliber)
photocopies of the documents of the guns and the hunting licence
passport photocopies

The hunters pay half of the price of the well-chosen program as a reservation confirmation 30 days before the entry in Turkey. The rest is paid after the arrival. With the cancellation of a confirmed reservation the deposit is not refunded. Except the program described on top other hunting programs can be put together as requested or on requirement.